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The Classic Starter


26 Andrew Street, Elgin Gisborne 4010

NewOpen Home

ATTENTION: Needs work, but come reap the rewards in the Gisborne real estate market. As they say “do the mahi – get the treats”.

Couples, Families, Budding DIYers and switched on Investors. 1950s – Yes, the age we all love. It’s all about the durable weatherboard exterior, the natural timber flooring, and all round timeless attraction of the construction and workmanship that has proven to have stood the test of time.

Nestled in a growing neighbourhood which has fast become popular with young families getting a foot onto the property ladder, this is a home you can add real value to on a shoe-string budget.

Roomy open plan living, and having had former upgrades to the interior throughout (the kitchen having been previously remodelled too) … this provides an awesome starter boost for further improvements #bunnings #mitre10

It’s a brilliant section for the children and pets, with an adjoined room to the garage which will quickly be claimed as a rumpus room / home gym / workshop.

A shift in my Seller’s plans presents you with the start of your real estate journey, whether as a homeowner or property investor. So don’t say I should have, I could have – make the decision, lock and load your epic low interest rate as home ownership is right here, right now !

Rates: $3,032.86
2020 RV: $404,000
Market Rent: $500-$520 pw

Viewings: Open Home or Private Appointment
Tender: Closing 12noon 14th October 2021 {unless sold prior}

The vendor reserves the right to enter into any contract for sale prior to close of tender date, or vary the published tender date, at their discretion.

  • Address: 26 Andrew Street,
  • Area: Elgin
  • State/Country: Gisborne/NZ
  • Zip: 4010
  • Property Id: RX2980737
  • Property Size: 102 m²
  • Property Lot Size: 835 m²
  • Bedrooms: 3
  • Bathrooms: 1
  • Toilet
  • Garage
  • Dishwasher